Les Mis Part 1 Summary

     In the book Les Miserable Monseigneur Bienvenu was wealthy but soon he gave most of  his earnings to the less fortunate and then saw how small the hospital and saw how big his house was so he made the hospital his home and the hospital was his house. Monseigneur was a person that puts others needs before his. He never locked his door because he trusted people when someone had robbed him he went over there where the  bandit lived and maybe they didn’t go or couldn’t go to church. Monseigneur Bienvenu went there and came out with treasure.He was love and respected by many.
       Monseigneur Bienvenu and the Senator have dinner and the senator talks about a philosophy of his own he believes that Gods is unnecessary he thinks there’s no good or evil there’s only vegetation.M. Myrial didn’t do anything to change his mind but just congratulated him of his philosophy.M. Myriel one day heard that an executioner was dying he was paralyzed and was not going to live through the night.M.Myriel went to the executioners house and they where talking about  a killing of an innocent child and a royal one M.Myriel said the killings aren’t the same thing but G—
says that there are because they killed the royal child just because he was a grandson a king.
    In book 2 in Les miserable it talks about a prisoner that was in prison for 19 years and was released. He went to a hotel he was hungry and tired because he walked a lot of miles he had money but they didn’t let him stay he went to different hotels and went to a house and he got rejected. People knew he was a prisoner people where afraid of him he lost hope so he slept out side in the cold on a bench and then a nice lady asked him what he was doing here the man told her that he has nowhere to sleep and that all the hotels where full she told him to try the bishops house so he did and the bishop let him stay.


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